Events and meetings

Audit of local budgets: The Accounting Chamber studies the experience of France
12.02.2025 10:09
The experience of the Cour des comptes (SAI of France) in auditing local budgets and inter...

10.02.2025 18:11
Improvement of the internal regulatory framework of the Accounting Chamber in terms of pub...

27.01.2025 17:17
The implementation of the updated legislation "On the Accounting Chamber", in particular, ...

The Accounting Chamber to Collaborate with the Secretariat of the Ukraine Facility Audit Board
24.01.2025 14:47
The Accounting Chamber will provide the Secretariat of the Audit Board of the Ukraine Faci...

Results of cooperation with German auditors in 2024 summed up: Joint Statement signed
22.01.2025 16:03
On 21 January, the Сhairwoman of the Accounting Chamber Olha Pishchanska and the President...

The 22nd meeting of the Europe Working Group started in Germany
21.01.2025 17:16
The delegation of the Accounting Chamber headed by the Chairwoman Olha Pishchanska takes p...

Czech SAI provides 80 laptops to the Accounting Chamber
20.01.2025 18:06
The Supreme Audit Office of the Czech Republic provided the Accounting Chamber with 80 lap...

13.12.2024 14:30
The key achievements of the Accounting Chamber in 2024, positive developments in the work ...

09.12.2024 17:52
On 5 December 2024, the Chairwoman of the Accounting Chamber Olha Pishchanska and the Dire...

Amendments to the legislation on the Accounting Chamber were discussed with the European Parliament
07.12.2024 11:08
Strengthening the independence of the Accounting Chamber, increasing the efficiency of its...

07.12.2024 10:36
Independent Supreme Audit Institutions play a key role in the European integration process...

05.12.2024 12:29
On 3-4 December 2024, the delegation of the Accounting Chamber headed by the Chairwoman of...

19.11.2024 13:04
The representatives of the Accounting Chamber and the Center for Audit Excellence (CAE) of...

14.11.2024 18:24
The cooperation between the National Audit Office of the United Kingdom and the Accounting...

13.11.2024 14:44
On November 8, representatives of the Accounting Chamber spoke about the latest developmen...

The 63rd Meeting of the EUROSAI Governing Board took place
04.11.2024 10:13
The sixty-third meeting of the EUROSAI Governing Board was held in London (United Kingdom)...

A new parallel audit with German colleagues will concern the digitization of education
30.10.2024 16:03
Preparation of a Joint statement based on the results of the International parallel audit ...

29.10.2024 12:26
Improving the control of the Accounting Chamber over the use of funds from European funds,...

The SAI Contact Committee of the EU Member States held a meeting on migration policy issues
18.10.2024 14:07
On 16-17 October, representatives of the supreme audit institutions of the EU member state...

Financial Control of Local Government Infrastructure Projects: EUROSAI Experience
10.10.2024 10:17
Cooperation of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) with local authorities and the potential ...